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A Ten
What if the many fanfic writers' versions of Tom Paris visited the set of Voyager and spoke to a director in front of a mortified Robbie McNeill?


A Victorian Life
Tom and Chakotay enact a Victorian drama on the holodeck. Bad words, some violence, Tom torture, angst. Romance between two men.
[Part 1] [Part 2]


Captain Proton's Blistered Buns
PK, NC-17
Captain Proton's rocket pack propels more than his flight through space. Although the Captain Proton scenarios play out in black and white, the characters are believed to be able to discern colors.


What is the explanation for Tom Paris' claustrophobia?  An earthquake in San Francisco in Tom's childhood may be an answer.  Some Tom angst and a life threatening situation, but no ensign was actually killed in the writing of this story. 


written together with Etal.

P, all, PG-13
What if there were survivors when Voyager crashed on the Class L planet in Timeless? And what if B'Elanna was on the Delta Flyer with Harry instead of Chakotay? How do the survivors, including a badly injured Tom Paris, cope with life post-crash?
[Part 1-5] [Part 6-10] [Part 11-15] [Part 16-20]


Have You No Decency?
CP, R to NC-17
An AU 30 Days ending in which Janeway uses corporal punishment for misdeeds. After Tom stole the Delta Flyer in an attempt to save the Monean water world he is beamed back to face his punishment. Someone stands up to her and stops his punishment.


He Could Do This
P/f, P/m, R
In this story, set after Caldik Prime a young Tom Paris has a life that's heading into a train wreck, using others and being used in turn. Tom has no money, no home, no job, and no prospects. Lots of Tom angst as he takes those first steps that lead to selling himself.


Holiday Series

Harry's Halloween Dance Date
It's Halloween on Voyager and Harry and his shapely date in a silver body suit, four inch heels, dance on the holodeck at the Halloween party. Then they go to Harry's quarters, and then they . . . A PWP fantasy.

Harry's Stuffed Tom
It's Thanksgiving on Voyager. Turkey is appropriate, isn't it? A PWP fantasy.

Harry's Holiday Angel
It's almost Christmas on Voyager. But don't be fooled by the title. A sometimes very dark PWP-wannabe fantasy that developed a plot. Tom spends most of Christmas Eve in sickbay.

Tom's Twelve Dark Days Of Christmas
It's the twelve days after Christmas on Voyager, counted in an arbitrary fashion by me from Christmas Day forward. But don't be fooled by the title. This story traces the ups and downs and sideways turns of Tom and Harry's relationship as Tom recovers from the alien bacteria that caused him to spend most of Christmas Eve in sickbay

Harry's Chocolate Valentine
what are the guys going to give each other for Valentine's Day?

Tom's Sad St. Patrick's Day
What happens if Tom pisses green beer onto a plant in the hydroponics bay after too much St. Patrick's day brew?


It's not cheating if...
PK, NC-17
Technically, Harry doesn't cheat on Libby after he meets Tom in a Ferengi bar on Deep Space 9. Or does he?


Janeway's Dead; Cavit's In Charge
PK, P/o, NC-17
An AU in which Janeway died when the array went down. And Cavit lived through the trip to the Delta Quadrant to become Voyager's Captain. What was life like on Voyager for Tom Paris with Cavit in charge?


Not Like a Virgin
P/?, C/P
Tom experiences a virgin birth on a pretechnological planet. The other parent is a spirit.


Post in the Void
PT, PG, angst
In this vignette, Tom reflects on what looks to him to be the faltering end of his relationship with B'Elanna.  Harry tries to comfort his friend.  


Restoring the Image
CP, NC-17
Tom and Chakotay return from an Alternate Universe where Tom has been kept for five months as the personal slave of a sadistic Captain Chakotay. 


Shuttle Down

Shuttle Down I:  Chapters 1, 2, and 3  

"Chapter  1:  The Crash"  Tom Paris is at the controls and Harry Kim is assisting when an experimental shuttle crashes on Earth in 1998.  Help comes in the form of Sam Beckett and Al Calavicci from Quantum Leap.  .

"Chapter 2:  Military Rescue" Harry and Tom are rescued by the military. Tom believes he's killed Harry. 

"Chapter 3:  Plan A" Using the skeletal lock technique, the crew try to get Tom and Harry back to Voyager. 

Shuttle Down II:  Chapters 4, 5, and 6

"Chapter 4: Plan B" The crew gets closer to a rescue and the holodoc has a chance to work on some of Tom's injuries.  

"Chapter 5: Tom's Nightmares" [R rating for intensity of situations and language] The captivity of the crew members becomes more serious as Tom's nightmares endanger his health.  Several hankies!

. "Chapter 6: The Colonel, The Captain, and The Admiral"  [PG-13 again] The showdown between the captain and the colonel takes interesting turns as Janeway works to get her crew back. 

Shuttle Down III:  Chapters 7, 8 and 9 

"Chapter 7: Shopping"  [PG-13] The fun of a shopping trip in the Colonel's warehouse and the return of Harry and Tom to Voyager are marred by the disappearance of Sam and Tuvok and by Tom's continuing difficulties in recovering from his injuries.  

  "Chapter 8: The Wormhole" [PG-13] Sam and Tuvok find  themselves in the wormhole with Haylene as their host. Tom begins to push away those who try to help him and breaks up with B'Elanna. Janeway and Chakotay ask each other about  beginning a relationship. More hankies!

  "Chapter 9: Tom's Troubles" [R] Tom has difficulty readjusting to life back on Voyager. Sam and Tuvok initiate a helping relationship with him. R for language and intense situations. 

Shuttle Down IV:  Chapters 10 and 11

  "Chapter 10: If Teardrops Were Diamonds" [R] Warning: the R rating is for real as Tom's experiences as a victim of child abuse and prison rape are described in this chapter and the next one. There is no explicit depiction of rape but the portrayals are intense and could be disturbing. R also for language. In addition to Tom's counseling, find out how the others are dealing with the stasis situation. Hankies alert!

"Chapter 11: Resistance and Revelations" [R] Still rated R for intensity and language. More is revealed about the treatment Tom received at the hands of his father. Lots of  hankies!!!

Shuttle Down V:  Chapters 12 and 13

  "Chapter 12: Recovery"  [R] Still an R for intensity and language.  More Tom angst as he begins to confront the past and move beyond it. This is probably the darkest chapter yet.  If Chapter 11 was 4 hankies out of 4 then Chapter 12 is probably 3 or 3 and half hankies! 

  "Chapter 13: Challenges" [PG-13] Tom finishes his work with Tuvok and Sam and resumes life on Voyager, making amends to those he had hurt.  One hanky at most. 

Shuttle Down VI:  Chapter 14, Epilogue.

"Chapter 14: Restorations" [PG-13] The concluding chapter to Shuttle Down with Epilogue and Authors' Notes.   


The Driving Lesson
PT, PG-13
Tom teaches B'Elanna how to drive his 1969 Camaro.  It's not an automatic shift car. 


The Voyager Bonanza
P, (P/T) sort of, PG-13
Tom finds himself in the Old West as Little Joe Cartwright, living on the Ponderosa with his  Pa and two older brothers, Adam and Hoss.  It seems Little Joe has one girl friend too many, the lovely rancher's daughter, Belle, and the saloon girl, Sylvie.


Victorian (De)vice
CP, NC-17
Tom and Chakotay enact a Victorian drama on the holodeck.


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